Degree Title

When the student has passed all the credits (you must include the language acreditation) that give place to obtain the Title, has to request:

Remember that you must make an appointment


Documentation to provide:

  1. Duplicate Title Application Form.
  2. Original and two photocopies for your ID, NIE or valid passport (only students from abroad).
  3. Original and photocopy for your corresponding title (Bachelor's Degree/High School Diploma/Undergraduate Degree or Undergraduate Degree if it is a Master's Degree application)

  4. Original and photocopy of the large family card in force.


Forms: Choose the one that corresponds, fill in and sign.




Once said documentation has been received and the file checked, the payment letter will be sent to the email indicated in the application. After making the payment, you will be given the receipt of the title (we will send it by email with digital signature)

If you want to know more you can contact us: 954 55 95 79/


It will be delivered to the interested party who must show their valid ID / passport.

If you want to know more you can contact us: 954 55 95 79/


If the interested party is outside the province, they can request their referral to the Government Delegation or Embassy of Spain abroad by completing the following request:

Request for title referral

This procedure has a cost of 26.30€ (Decree 500/2019, June 26), remember that you must send ID/Passport

If you want to know more you can contact us: 954 55 95 79/


If you want to request a duplicate of the title by:

  • Loss / modification of personal data: A publication must be made in the BOE, the expenses are borne by the interested party..
  • Impairment: You must deliver the damaged title..


In both cases you must fill out a general request requesting and clearly specifying the reason, remember that you must provide a copy of the valid ID / Passport.


If you want to know more you can contact us: 954 55 95 79/