Research Groups

Teams of Research:


  •  History of the Moving Image and Audiovisual Music  (HIMMA) 
    • Code: HUM406
    • Responsible researcher: Carlos Antonio Colón Perales
    • SISIUS Link
  • Audiovisual History, Language and Technology Research Team (EIHLTA)
    • Code: HUM656
    • Responsible researcher: Francisco Perales Bazo
    • SISIUS Link
  • Methods, Analysis and Strategies of Business and Institutional Communication (MAECEI)
  • Research Team in Public Relations, Ceremonial and Protocol (LAUREA)
    • Code: SEJ536
    • Responsible researcher: María Teresa Otero Alvarado
    • SISIUS Link
  • Research Group on Political Communication, Ideology and Advertising  (IDECO)
  • Analysis of Media, Images and Audiovisual Stories in their History for Social Change  (AdMira)
  • Research Group in Communication, Art and Videogames
    • Code: TIC237
    • Responsible researcher: José Luis Navarrete Cardero
    • SISIUS Link
  • International Research Of Advertising, Communication And Marketing Mix
    • Código: SEJ624
    • Investigador responsable: Gloria Jiménez Marín
    • Enlace a SISIUS




Teams of Research:


  • Tecnology, Art and Communication  (TECNOARTECOM)
  • Interdisciplinary Group of Studies in Communication, Politics and Social Change (Compoliticas)
  • History of Journalism and Popular Readings in Andalusia (IHPLA)
  • Research Group in Communication, Culture and Science (GICCC)
    • Code: HUM752
    • Responsible researcher: José Miguel Alcíbar Cuello
    • SISIUS Link


Teams of Research:


  •  Analysis and Information Technique 
    • Code: HUM212
    • Responsible researcher: Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales
    • SISIUS Link
  • Influences of Journalistic Genres and Technologies in Social Communication (HUM052)
    • Code: HUM885
    • Responsible researcher: Antonio López Hidalgo
    • SISIUS Link
  •  Communication strategies
    • Code: HUM849
    • Responsible researcher: Juan Luis Manfredi Mayoral
    • SISIUS Link
  • Media Studies for Quality Journalism (PERCAL)
  •  Structure, History and Content of Communication (GREHCCO)
  • Media, Communication Policies and Democracy in the European Union (DEMOC-MEDIA)
  • Research Team in Audiovisual Genres and Images (EGAUDIM)


Publication of the month

Departamento: Periodismo I
La Universidad de Nueva Deli (India) ha concedido uno de sus premios anuales internacionales a Antonio García Gutiérrez, catedrático de Documentación de la Universidad de Sevilla y docente de la Facultad de Comunicación. El comité internacional que concede los Word Library Leaders reconoce así el carácter innovador y rupturistas de sus investigaciones.