Information Covid-19: Students

La US habilita un portal web informativo sobre el Coronavirus
Thu, 05/03/2020 - 20:31
La Universidad de Sevilla ha activado un protocolo en relación con el Coronavirus. Se ha constituido un grupo de trabajo que se encarga de canalizar toda la información que va surgiendo y resolver las dudas que se…

About the Cabinet of Communicacion

Logo Gabinete de Comunicación

The Cabinet of Communication sets up on eight October 2007. The initiative pretends to contribute to the diffusion of all those subjects of importance that take place in our centre and that they are of interest for the university community.

The Cabinet is formed of interns, supervised by Manuel Pedraz (Informative Services) and Hada Sánchez Gónzalez, Vicedeanship of Communication , Institutional Relations and Entrepreneurship. It is located in office number 3 of the Deanery. Telf: 954556213. Email:

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